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Please tell me about a time when you disagreed with a team member.

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This question is a classic behavioral interview question that aims to assess your ability to handle conflict and disagreement within a team setting. The interviewer is interested in understanding how you navigate interpersonal challenges and whether you can maintain a collaborative environment despite differences. The focus is on your conflict resolution skills, communication abilities, and whether you can achieve a positive outcome despite disagreements.


Situation: In my previous role as a project manager, our team was tasked with developing a new marketing strategy. During a brainstorming session, I proposed a digital-first approach to reach a broader audience. However, one of my team members strongly disagreed, believing that traditional media was more effective for our target demographic.

Task: My objective was to ensure that the team collaborated effectively and reached a consensus on the best approach to maximize the campaign's success. It was crucial to address the disagreement constructively to maintain team cohesion and leverage everyone's expertise.

Action: I scheduled a follow-up meeting with the team member to discuss our differing perspectives in detail. I listened actively to understand his reasoning and concerns, and I shared data and case studies that supported the digital-first approach. We both agreed to bring our perspectives to the entire team, where I facilitated an open discussion. We collectively evaluated the pros and cons of each approach and incorporated feedback from all team members.

Result: As a result of this collaborative process, we developed a hybrid strategy that combined digital and traditional media, which ultimately led to a 30% increase in audience engagement. The team member appreciated the opportunity to voice his opinion, and the experience strengthened our working relationship and improved team dynamics.

This approach demonstrated my ability to navigate disagreements constructively, valuing team input, and driving successful outcomes.