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Could you discuss how you resolved multicollinearity issues?

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The question is asking about your experience and approach in dealing with multicollinearity issues in machine learning. Multicollinearity occurs when two or more independent variables in a regression model are highly correlated, leading to unreliable and unstable estimates of regression coefficients. This question assesses your understanding of multicollinearity, its implications, and the techniques you have used to address it. The interviewer is interested in your problem-solving skills and your ability to apply appropriate methods to improve model performance.


To address multicollinearity, I typically follow these steps:

  1. Identifying Multicollinearity:

    • I start by calculating the correlation matrix for the independent variables to identify highly correlated pairs.
    • I also use the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF), where a VIF value greater than 5 or 10 indicates a multicollinearity problem.
  2. Resolving Multicollinearity:

    • Remove or Combine Variables: If two variables are highly correlated, I may decide to remove one of them or combine them into a single feature using techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
    • Feature Selection: I apply methods such as L1 regularization (Lasso), which can help reduce multicollinearity by penalizing the absolute size of coefficients.
    • Domain Knowledge: Sometimes, leveraging domain knowledge helps in deciding which variables are more critical and should be retained.
  3. Evaluating Impact:

    • After reducing multicollinearity, I re-evaluate the model's performance to ensure that it improves or remains stable.

By carefully identifying and addressing multicollinearity, I ensure that the model's predictions are reliable and interpretable, improving overall model performance.