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Can you describe the process of creating a deep clone function in JavaScript, focusing on handling complex data structures and maintaining object references?

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The question asks about creating a deep clone function in JavaScript. Cloning involves creating a copy of an object such that changes to the new object do not affect the original object. The focus here is on deep cloning, which means the function should handle complex data structures like nested objects and arrays. Additionally, it should maintain object references properly to avoid infinite loops in case of circular references. Understanding how to manage these aspects is crucial for the implementation of a robust deep clone function.


Creating a deep clone function in JavaScript involves copying all properties of an object recursively, including any nested objects or arrays. Here's how you can implement such a function:

  1. Basic Idea: The function should recursively copy each property. For objects and arrays, this means iterating over each property and applying the deep clone function to each one.

  2. Handling Primitive Types: Primitive data types (String, Number, Boolean, etc.) can be directly copied as they are immutable.

  3. Handling Objects and Arrays: These should be recursively cloned. Use Array.isArray() to differentiate between arrays and objects.

  4. Maintaining References: To handle circular references, maintain a map of already cloned objects to prevent infinite recursion.

  5. Implementation:

function deepClone(obj, hash = new WeakMap()) {
    // Return if the object is null or not an object
    if (obj === null || typeof obj !== 'object') return obj;

    // If the object is already cloned, return the cloned object
    if (hash.has(obj)) return hash.get(obj);

    // Handle Array
    if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
        const arrCopy = [];
        hash.set(obj, arrCopy);
        obj.forEach((item, index) => {
            arrCopy[index] = deepClone(item, hash);
        return arrCopy;

    // Handle Object
    const objCopy = {};
    hash.set(obj, objCopy);
    Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
        objCopy[key] = deepClone(obj[key], hash);
    return objCopy;
  • WeakMap: Used to store references to already cloned objects to prevent circular reference issues.
  • Recursion: The function recursively calls itself for each object or array property.

This implementation efficiently handles complex data structures and maintains references correctly, ensuring a true deep clone of objects.