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How do you envision constructing functions to create and manage a file tree, including adding directories, files, navigating the tree, and removing items?

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The question is asking about your understanding and approach to designing functions for managing a file tree, which is a hierarchical structure of directories and files similar to a filesystem. Key components to consider include:

  • Adding Directories and Files: How you would implement functionality to create new directories and files within the tree.
  • Navigating the Tree: How you plan to allow traversal through the tree, moving between directories and accessing files.
  • Removing Items: The process for deleting directories and files, including considerations for both empty and non-empty directories.


To construct functions that create and manage a file tree, I would approach the problem with the following considerations:

  1. Data Structure Choice:

    • Use a tree structure where each node represents a directory or a file.
    • Each directory node contains a list of children nodes, which can be either directories or files.
    • File nodes contain file-specific information, such as content or metadata.
  2. Adding Directories and Files:

    • Implement a function addDirectory(parentPath, directoryName) to create a new directory under a specified parent directory.
    • Implement a function addFile(parentPath, fileName, content) to create a new file under a specified directory, with optional content.
  3. Navigating the Tree:

    • Use a function navigate(path) that returns the node (directory or file) corresponding to a given path.
    • Implement helper functions like listContents(directoryPath) to list all files and directories within a specified directory.
  4. Removing Items:

    • Implement a function removeItem(path) to delete a specified file or directory.
    • Ensure that when removing a directory, you handle recursive deletion of its contents to prevent errors or orphaned nodes.
  5. Error Handling:

    • Include error handling for cases such as attempting to access a non-existent path, adding a duplicate file or directory, or attempting to remove a non-empty directory without confirmation.

By structuring these functions and handling the specified tasks, you can create a robust system for managing a file tree.